Anyone who has visited Barbados can list the many things which they love about the island, but for me, I see Barbados as an island not only full of personality and charm but full of colour.
The oranges, the greens, the blues, the purples – all the colours of the colour wheel (and in-between), working in perfect harmony, resonate within the island life that is Barbados, so, here are 5 beautiful (and colourful) reasons to love and visit Barbados time and time again!
1. Orange – Sunsets In Paradise
I don’t know about you, but there is something breathtaking and magical about a warm, fiery ball as it signals the end of a day in paradise and of course, the eager anticipation of another.
Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I simply love sunsets because for that brief moment in time, it feels as though time just stops and everything (and anything) which was bothering you, doesn’t seem to bother you as much. A sunset is my refresh button in life and while we may not have the season of fall, we have sunsets – every, single, day!
Tip: I personally love the sunsets on the West Coast of the island because it feels as though the sun sets directly in front of you – almost as if you can touch it!
When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator. – Mahatma Gandhi
2. Purples – A Colourful Grand Kadooment Day (our Carnival)
Purple is my absolute favourite colour and I look forward every year to the ‘Crop Over Season’ to see what costumes would have a splash of purple. So no, carnival doesn’t consist of everyone prancing around in purple costumes but, it just so happens that most of my costumes have a touch of purple and I love it!

For those who are not familiar, Crop Over, a 200 year tradition, is a festival which symbolizes the end of the crop – the sugar cane season.
Grand Kadooment Day is the climax of the Crop Over Season, where masqueraders make their way to Spring Garden highway dressed in colourful costumes dancing behind moving music trucks!
3. Blues – Crystal Clear Blue Waters
To tell you the truth, I was never a fan of the beach,
*insert loud gasp here*
Yes, it’s hot, the sand is hot, the sea is drastically colder than the sand – it’s freezing – the sand get’s everywhere – in my hair, in my car, in every crevice, every possible crevice. But then, one day, this all changed. One day I just needed a moment to be completely alone, so I turned off my phone, picked up a book and drove to the beach.
After a visit to the beach, it’s hard to believe that we live in a material world. – Pam Shaw
Think about this for a second, people spend millions of dollars to build properties on the beach, people also spend thousands to travel to this same island every single year to experience the sea, sand and sun and we get to experience it every day – for free!
I quite enjoy a visit to the beach now, I still hate the sand but I’ll always be grateful to be able to enjoy this beauty!
4. Greens – Lush Gardens and Gullies
Even though Barbados is known for its sea, sand and sun, there is way more than what meets the eye. Yes, it may be true that islands such as Dominica and St.Vincent and the Grenadines are well known for its lush forests and while we may not have forests, we have amazing gardens and gullies.

I don’t have much of a green thumb, but to see the vast amount of time and not to mention effort, that one would have taken (and continue to take) is simply amazing. So yes, we may not have forests, but our gardens and gullies are just as magnificent!
Tip: Here are a few gardens and gullies you should visit – Hunte’s Gardens, Andromeda Gardens, Petra Gardens and the Flower Forest. One of my absolute favourites is the ‘Welchman Hall Gully’, read why it’s my favourite here!
A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. – Liberty Hyde Bailey
5. Brown – Rum, Rum and More Rum
The small island of Barbados has something for everyone – an active social scene, entertaining festivals and much more. Therefore, if you don’t like nature, nor our amazing parties, you’ll definitely fall in love with our rum.

Not only does rum power the entire Caribbean as it’s an integral part of Caribbean history but here in Barbados, it is the land where rum was invented! We are definitely experts in this field and not only does it show in our 1,500 rum shops scattered across the island, but we also export $57 million of rum per year across the world!
“Every great story begins with a time and a place.” – Mount Gay Rum
There are so many things to love – what do you love about Barbados?
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